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Managing Mommy

So, I've had the EXTREME blessing of being able to stay at home with my little one since her birth, which is going on 3 years. I had built a resume filled with odd jobs with a common thread of administrative duties that I found some fulfillment in knowing that I had some sort of skill that could help make financial contribution to our family. Little did I know how much of that skill would be asked of me in the coming season. ​​

My husband and I had come to the decision that I would be able to take time off of working. We had been married for 8 years by then and had been trying to get pregnant for the last 7. After surviving 3 miscarriages, we believed it was time for wifey to take some time. Little did we know that my last month of working, we were pregnant and this time we got to enjoy a healthy mommy and baby in September 2013. During those 9 months of prep for baby, we also were in a relatively new house (from living in an apartment) and my responsibilities at my church/faith family were growing.

So, here we are and I've realized that I am how the COO/CFO of my house, Chief Operating & Financial Officer. In charge of how things get done and where the money goes. With my husband working extremely hard to provide for his little family I now found that I needed managing. I needed someone to lean on during the day, during the time that I found myself in the deepest of need. And I found it. I found the answer.

The definition of Manage is:

  1. to handle or direct with a degree of skill

  2. to work upon or try to alter for a purpose

  3. to succeed in accomplishing

  4. to direct the professional career of

I found myself longing for someone to tell me what to do. To guide me and encourage me, train me, even correct me. After looking around to my friends and family... it dawned on me... LORD!!!! YOU!!!!!

Yes, the Lord... Jesus Christ, Father God, & Holy Spirit are my daily community. They have proven themselves so faithful and trustworthy with my smooth days and rocky days. They love me, show me what needs to be done, and fun things to keep my awesome daughter going through the day.

Yes, I am Elena Robles - Proudly managed by the Trinity!

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