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New Holidays

Here we all are at the brink of the busiest time of the year, tonight being Halloween, then right behind it is Thanksgiving and you blink and its Christmas, wait... then there's New Year's celebrations! Talk about full!

So, as my husband and I are getting a little glimmer of inspiration coming into the "Happiest time of the year" and because we aren't busy enough with other obligations, we decided to add another Holiday to our yearly routine... FriendsGiving! I'm not sure who all is familiar with this so, I'll go ahead and explain.

FriendsGiving is essentially a holiday that has the same feel as Thanksgiving but instead of being confined to only one day and one group of people (usually family) the celebration of good food and fun company gets to be extended with those that are "like-family". Keeping it easy, we decided to do it potluck style too so there's the least amount of pressure as possible.

Now, we are about 19 days and counting down to one of the highlights of the holiday season and I'm sure, if I know us, we'll be adding something to Christmas AND New Year's. The best part of all of this is the reason why... Because, after praying and praying for people that my husband and I can call friends... REAL friends-we are so CRAZY, FLIPPING THANKFUL/GRATEFUL!!!!

Happy Thanksgivng/FriendsGiving EVERYONE!!!!

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